AmeriCorps Sunday, February 23, 2025

User Login


Forgot Password

If you've forgotten your password, enter your email
address below to have your password sent to you.

Email Address:

Please note that in logging into this site and submitting any paperwork through the site, you are stating that all information submitted is true and verified by you. Typing your name, clicking a submit/approve button, signing an electronic signature or uploading a document are all actions which signify that you are signing and verifying the said document.

Do not share your password to this website with any other person. A Member and Supervisor are responsible for submitting their individual documents through this website.

Attention ERC Members: Please disregard the address to submit paperwork on document instructions and mail ALL paperwork to:
Billye Senecal
Emergency Response Corps/GINNE
PO Box 501
West Farmington, ME 04992
All other Members (CRC and CAC), should use the address posted on this website and on all document directions. This notice is ONLY for ERC members.
Thank you.